Monday, November 23, 2015

Guest Speaker in History

Today in world history, as part of our unit on Ancient Egypt, Mr. Schiemann visited our class to show us pictures from his trip to Egypt. He shared a lot of history with us as well as how things are different now than they once were. It was great! Ask your child about it!

Friday, November 20, 2015

Ask Your Child About...

  • Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms
  • Paragraph Building
  • The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe movie - how is it different from the book?
  • Ratios

Vocab Switcheroo

With the dawning of a new trimester, the 6th grade schedule is going to see a little switch up. We originally added a second vocabulary class to the 6th grade schedule to help them acclimate to the new book with a little extra support. They are all doing great with the book and are really understanding how to use it and complete the activities. Because of this, we are excited to introduce them to a new class in 2nd trimester, a 6th grade favorite - Christian Music Studies!! In this class, Mr. Plucknett introduces them to the wide variety of Christian music that's out there. Much of what they experience is beyond the realm of what they can hear on the radio.
This class aligns with our Arts Program in that it is a music appreciation class. It is a class done only with 6th grade and offers them something special, fun, and useful.

Monday, November 16, 2015

The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

We have finished reading our first novel of the year! The students all seemed to enjoy this book. The skill folders they have been working on are due next Monday, November 23. On Wednesday, we will begin watching the recent Disney movie in class. A permission slip came home today for this. Please return it if you would like your child to participate in this culminating activity.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Ask your 6th grader about.....

  • How did ancient Egypt’s economy function?
  • Favorite book report presentation
  • Tower of Babel
  • God’s covenant with Abraham
  • Milky Way or Peanut M & M, which best represents the earth’s layers?