Monday, August 29, 2016

Starting a New Chapter

Good Morning FHLCS 6th grade Families,
I was so impressed with how many families were able to come out to our Back to School Picnic last night. It was wonderful to meet all of you and get a chance to talk to most of you. I am so excited about the coming year.
Many of you are just wondering who I am. My name is Mr. Ben Bauer. I will be the 6th grade teacher this year. Your student will have me for 6th grade Science, Christian Studies, and Ancient History.  I will also be leading a Worship Band during the Fine Arts time.
This will be my first year here at FHLCS and I have so much to learn about how things are done here. I have spent the last 6 years teaching at Faith Bible in Beaverton. Before that I was the Youth Director at Bethlehem Lutheran in Beaverton.
On a personal note, I am married and have 4 children. My 10 year old, Ellianna, will be in the 5th grade class this year. My wife and I also have a set of triplets. They are now 2 1/2. Each day is an adventure.
I am so excited about what God has in store for us this year. I look forward to partnering with you as you child learns and grows.