Thursday, February 9, 2017

Island of the Blue Dolphin
We have begun our new Literature study.  
Scott O'Dell wrote this story about a real young lady who was 
brought to America from a nearby island.  
While she could not speak our language and 
was all alone, those caring for her were able to 
figure out what happened to her village.  
Scott O'Dell took this real life story and 
turned it into a wonderful children's book. 
We will be doing study guides filled with a variety of tasks.  
Some of those tasks involve students looking up about the 
plant and animal life of this island.  Many of these items were used as 
food for the village people.  Since there will be times that students 
need to access the internet for research, temporary passwords 
will be set up for them to use.  They are expected to follow the 
rules and guidelines they signed in the beginning of the year.
All students will be doing a project based on this novel.  
They are to create a map of the island and have areas labeled that are mentioned in the book.  
As we approach the end of the novel I will be setting a firm due date for their project.