Monday, May 8, 2017

Subject Update: Digital Literacy

The 6th graders have had a lot of fun the last week or so with their latest project in Digital Literacy.  We are practicing one of the many forms social media can take by creating a blog.  These blogs are not posted publicly anywhere (however, they can share them if they choose), but they are practicing the idea of writing consistently about a topic of their choosing.  We have had blogs about everything from basketball to video games to cooking recipes to farming to horses to life in general.  The 6th graders have really enjoyed diving into this project.  The goal is to have 10 posts completed by next Monday, May 15th.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Island of the Blue Dolphins

We have finished reading our novel and started the movie.  Students are watching the 1964 version and will be writing a review.  They will be comparing the novel and movie along with a synopsis of the movie, they will end their review with a personal reflection (what they like and did not like about the movie). 
There will be a final test on Friday, May 12 which is the same day their map projects are due.