Monday, December 14, 2015

Secret Santa Reveal - Friday December 18th!!!!!

On Friday December 18th from 1:00 pm until 2:10 pm (give or take a few minutes) we will be gathering in the 6th grade classroom to reveal our secret Santas, eat a few cookies and chips, drink some pop, play some board games, and even create a couple of human Christmas trees.

If you were designated to bring a food or drink item for the party, please remember to ask your parents if that is OK. If not, we will need to see if someone else can bring the item. The item can be brought at any time. I will have a place in the classroom where we can store it until Friday. If you are not bringing a food or drink item, consider bringing an item(s) for the human Christmas tree decorating. The fancier we can make them the better. Remember you can bring in your secret Santa gifts any time. We will place it under the Christmas tree in the classroom. Remember DO NOT put your name on it, we want the recipient to be surprised.

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