Wednesday, October 19, 2016

History and Bible

In history we start a new chapter today. We look at the four empires of the Mesopotamia. Students will learn more about these civilizations and start to teach each other some of what they learn.
In Bible we will make a big jump from Joseph to Job. Since this year's lessons spread over a large portion of the Bible, we need to make jumps like this one every once in a while. "Blessed Be Your Name" is a song that was written after reading through Job. I look forward to showing our students how to praise even through the tough times.
I look forward to our conference times.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Subject Update: Digital Literacy

This week in Digital Literacy, we discussed the art of building a slideshow.  We discussed some basic features of Google Slides, as well as some good do's and don't's in making a good slideshow for a presentation.  Our next class will be spent practicing the skills we discussed as they will be building their own slideshow on a specific topic.

Subject Update: Christian Music

The last several weeks in Christian Music Class, the 6th graders were introduced to a group few of them had heard of, but most of them have seen the effects of.  This group is DC Talk.  We spent a day looking at the music DC Talk made together.  Now, we are going through and spending time looking at the different groups the three members of DC Talk (TobyMac, Michael Tait, Kevin Max) have influenced directly: Audio Adrenaline, Newsboys, and TobyMac.

Recently, at the 2016 Dove Awards, DC Talk reunited for a new song that debuted on TobyMac's latest album.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Good Afternoon 6th Grade Families,
I returned yesterday afternoon from my trip to Idaho. I friend was getting married in Pocatello. It is so funny how hard it is to let someone else come into "your" classroom and teach your kids. I am always concerned I didn't prepare enough, I forgot something, something might go wrong, but it seems to have gone really well. I did forget a couple of things, like new classroom jobs and a password, but our sub was quick on her feet and the kids were generally patient. I keep talking to our kids about their reputation and having someone else come in and have a good can only lift the perception about them.
A couple of reminders: I try to keep Gradelink up to date. I am a little behind right now, but should be caught up today or tomorrow at the latest. Students who miss work need to find a time to come make it up. Absences and sports can really make a child fall behind. I am willing to help a child but they must actually do the work. As the weather gets colder, students should come to school with a jacket. Students should bring a water bottle to school. We have been having problems with cups and may need to put them on a hold for a while.
In the coming weeks: Science continues to look at the Earth and how it sits in our Solar System. In Bible we move Jacob and all the adventures he has. We will be getting into Joseph and his brothers soon. For History we look deeper in Sumer and why it is called a civilization.
Blessings on your week.
Mr. Bauer

Subject Update: Digital Literacy

Yesterday in Digital Literacy, the 6th graders learned about email etiquette as they were introduced to the "10 Commandments of Email."  This covered everything from having a greeting to your emails to what "CC" means to how to set a signature.

They were given a short assignment that is due next Monday of sending Mr. P an email showing that they understand how all the rules work.  Next week, we will be talking about tricks and tips to help with Google searches.

Unit 1 Grammar Test - Thursday, Oct. 6

We have come to the end of our first unit about sentences.  You can help your student review for the test by asking them about the following:
4 types of sentences (interrogative; declarative;imperative; exclamatory) and the punctuation used. 

Determining the complete subject and complete predicate
Someone from Texas gave her a giant poster of a sunset.

Finding the simple subject and predicate
Many tourists like the shops.

Understanding that in imperative and interrogative sentences the simple subject can be an understood (you).
Think carefully about a puppy. (subject - (you) )

Identifying compound subjects and predicates using the connecting words: and; but; or
Mike, Pam, and Carlos will paint the bike.
The ship outran the clouds and escaped the storm.

Know the meanings of the conjunctions:
and: add information
or: giving a choice
but: show contrast
be able to use the correct conjunction in a sentence.
Is London ______ Paris nicer to visit?

Identify simple, compound and complex sentences.
Simple: I spotted the snake.  It slid away.
Compound:  I spotted the snake, and it slid away. 
Complex: After I spotted the snake, it slid away.
I spotted the snake before it slid away.
Be familiar with subordinating conjunctions used in complex sentences.

Be familiar with rewriting fragments and run-on sentences.
Fragment: Markers, tape, newspapers, and packing bubbles.
Run-on: Our friends will paint and then we'll put down the rug and later everyone will unpack boxes.

We are reviewing in class on Tuesday and Wednesday for the test.  They did create a note sheet about subordinating conjunctions on their Chromebooks that will help them. 

Sunday, October 2, 2016


Welcome, Mrs. Meyers

We welcome Mrs. Meyers to our school family as the resource teacher.  She will also be joining us a couple times during the week in Language Arts and Literature.  She will be assisting students who have questions, need addition help, or that extra push to reach for the stars.  We thank God for bringing us Mrs. Meyers and for her gifts and talents that she will share with us as we learn each and every day.