Sunday, March 5, 2017

Good Evening 6th Grade families,
You may not remember (yes you do) but Jr High was hard. You are growing, trying to figure out where you fit, making friends, and trying to please everyone all the time. The last couple of weeks have been difficult for our class. We have had a hard time socially, but also academically at the close of the trimester. I remember those days and friends were so important to me, probably too important. Other than my parents, I really didn't have an adult that I could go to. We grew up in a small town. My dad was the only person that worked at the church. We didn't have a youth person, or family minister, or a counselor. So I turned to friends. Part of the issue we have had is trying to figure out were we fit into the group. Sometimes that leads to criticism of others so that we look better in our eyes and hopefully others.
I try to be an adult who truly cares for our kids and that they know they can come to me. One way that I build those relationships is to listen. I try to be present. I also like to see our kids at what they love to do. Many of you have seen me at games and other performances. I also enjoy bringing family members to these events. In building these relationships, I hope that the students will see me as an adult that they can come to.
I also try to show them that I care enough to correct them. This week we have had conversations about respect, doing our best, and not saying things about others that are not true. We have also had a hard time in the lunch room. Starting Monday we will have assigned seats in the lunch room. That is the not fun part of the job. Again, I believe if you care for others you will help them grow, even if it hurts.
Now to the academic side of things.
I am almost done with grades for the quarter. I just need a few assignments that were not finished due to absences.
In Bible, we have finished with David and moved on to King Solomon and the temple. Eventually we will look at the exile, but that is not for a few more weeks. We also hope to meet with our buddies this Friday.
History: You should come in and see the common area around my classroom. Aside from a fish tank with Rainbow trout (gone Tuesday) there are over 20 Sarcophagus hanging up. Our students did such a good job with creating a project that shows there knowledge. Hopefully this project will deepen there understanding and they will remember what they learned. We now move on to the kingdom of Kush, which is just south of Egypt, but still in Africa.
We have our results from our second round of MAP testing and will be getting you the results soon.

If you have not had a chance to turn in the Outdoor school information, please do so this week.
Mr. Bauer

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