Monday, September 12, 2016

Classroom Jobs

Good Afternoon 6th Grade Families,
                As you may know, students have class jobs. Our class is no different. In most traditional classrooms, all of the jobs are done within the confines of the day. However, Forest Hills has decided to adopt a “Sheparding Program.” Some of the weekly jobs will fit into this program and may need more effort on your part. If you are uncomfortable with what you are asked, or simply don’t want to do it, please let me know and I will assign your child to jobs that are classroom contained.
                I would like to share with you the jobs and what your student will be asked of if he/she is asked to perform this task. The first three jobs are those that need the additional support from you.
Crossing Guards: There are two cross walks near the front entrance that are used during drop-off and pick-up. These will now be manned by 4 students (2 from 6th and 2 from 7th). Students are asked to come to school early, 7:55, and plan on staying until the majority of the students have been picked up, 3:20.
Greeter: Similar to the crossing guard, greeters are asked to arrive early. They will be a smiling face to help people out of cars, carry projects, or simply help students start their day off on a good note.
Instrument Collector: Again, these students are asked to arrive early. They will help students get their band instruments onto a cart and then make sure that cart gets to the band room.
Lunch Trays: These students will miss a couple of minutes of recess to help clean lunch trays.
Recycling: Two students will be asked to take the recycling from the middle school classrooms out on Friday afternoon.
Absent Assistants: These are students that will help collect work for those who are absent and will fill in jobs where needed.
Recess Equipment: This student will make sure that playground equipment is put away before going in to lunch.
Assignment Assembler: Often I need a helper in class, this will be that person.

If you feel like your child will not be able to perform one or several of these tasks, please do not hesitate to let me know. It will be no problem to have them help in the classroom.

Mr. Bauer

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