Friday, September 16, 2016

Good Evening Families,
As it is just about time for the Middle School Neon Dance, I thought I would offer up a prayer.
Lord God Heavenly Father,
I ask your protection over the hearts of our young. I ask that you wrap them in security. Hold them in your hands and let them know they are loved.
Our kids are looking for acceptance at this age. Sometimes that means putting others down to elevate ourselves. I encourage an area of love and support. Respect is of great importance in my classroom and will be talked about a lot this year. Please help me as I seek to help our kids grow into loving, caring, and helpful Christian adults.
This week we will continue our look at Genesis in Bible class (memory due Wednesday). We will finish up our study of the moon and move to making a poster of something they are interested in space science. We test on early human history and move to early farming.
Blessings on your week.
Mr. Bauer

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