Monday, November 21, 2016

Thanksgiving week

Good Morning,
I hope your week will be a good one. Please remember that there will be no school Wednesday so teachers can finalize grades. If students have work to get in, it needs to be in as soon as possible.

Each year, classes sponsor a family for a Christmas box. This year we have a family of 4. Our family has a boy (4) and a girl (9). Please ask your child how you can support them as a family.

Today in Christian Studies class, I answered questions. I wrote these questions down in a letter that I asked the kids to take home a get a signature from a parent. This way I know that you saw it. I will add it to this post in case it doesn't come home.

The letter includes a short Bible quiz study guide. I had wanted it to be tomorrow (Tuesday) but we have a Thanksgiving Chapel I did not remember. The Chapel will take the place of our Christian Studies time. The quiz will be the Tuesday after break.

Good Morning Boys and Girls, (with Mr. Bauer’s head tilted at a 23.5 degree angel)
Please have a seat quietly so we can get going on our day.
We have several things to discuss and we are going to get them on paper so you won’t be confused.
1.       Jobs won’t change this week since we started late and we only have two days this week. Ellianna reminded me that today is Monday and tomorrow is Friday (kinda).
2.       Memory Verse (Psalm 4:8) will be due on Wednesday, November 30 (Happy Birthday Olivia)
3.       Bible Quiz on Moses: Well, I told you it would be Tuesday and had thought to have you all help me write it today like we like to, but… I didn’t realize or forgot there will be a chapel tomorrow instead of CS. So, we will have our quiz on Tuesday when we get back. We will put a study guide at the bottom of this page.
4.       Every year each class is given a family to bless at Christmas. This year we have a family of 4 with 2 children. A girl who is 9 that likes chapter books, Legos, science stuff, gel pens, play dough; and would like pajamas. Her favorites include purple, blue, and sports. Top/ coat size is 12, pants 12, and shoes 5. The boy is 4 and likes small toy figures, building things, and play dough. His favorites are blue, green, and orange. His top/coat size is 5, pants 4, and shoes 11. I would like everyone to consider giving something to this family. The family needs are blankets, sheets, silverware, place settings, and gift cards.
5.       This will be printed off. I would like you to take it home and have parents look at it. If they sign it home I will give you 9 extra points in any class I teach you. That could be a whole memory verse.
6.       Today we will have a little celebration.  For our History time, Mrs. Rhodes will come in and have a little harvest party/ end of History chapter party.
7.       We (you and I) want to have some field trips this year. However, I am not good at planning them. If a parent would like to plan a field trip, please email me and we can start to look at some things.
8.       Bible quiz. (also includes a little of Job)
a.       You should know the plaques in order and who they affected.
                                                               i.      And what did each one do (hail destroyed flax and barley, locusts ate the wheat)
b.       The question on Job will be to tell me the story in a few sentences (5-7)
c.       Remember how Moses was save by his Mom and who found him (Pharaoh’s Daughter)
d.       Probably the most important is how this story points to Jesus in the Passover.
                                                               i.      Jesus was a perfect sacrifice (without sin, blemish)
                                                             ii.      Israelites were slaves, we are slaves to sin
                                                           iii.      Lamb’s blood was spread on door, Jesus’s blood shed on the cross, we even talked about how the door frame can look like the cross with the blood
                                                           iv.      Death passed over the home of believers, through Jesus, death is defeated we will have life in heaven
                                                             v.      Freedom was won for the Hebrews, who were slaves no more, Freedom was won for us from sin, death and the devil, now we live free in Christ.
e.       As they were leaving the took gold and silver as payment for their work
f.        Led by a cloud by day and fire by night
g.       God saved them at the Red sea

h.       Moses purified the water with a stick and God fed them with bread that was dew (Manna) 

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Couple Quick Notes

Just a couple quick thoughts...
I passed out many graded papers from all the teachers today. Students should be bringing them home. Please talk to your student to check their work with them.
New Memory Verse: Psalm 4:8 (this will be due the Wednesday after Thanksgiving)

Each class is given a family to sponsor for Christmas. I am not sure how this has been done in the past. If you would like to head up the logistics of this service project, please send me an email.
Mr. Bauer

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

History Projects and the coming weeks

Our Students in the 6th grade are so creative. As they start to share their projects on the 4 Empires of Mesopotamia, I get to see all of the great work they have created. We were able to see 4 presentations yesterday and hope to have everyone share this week. After we finish our study on these 4 Empires we will next a look at Historical Egypt and the Middle East. This will fit in well with our Bible lessons as we are still looking at Moses. Today we had a chance to take a deeper look at the Passover. By the end of the week, Pharaoh will let the people go and we will be in the wilderness for a while.
In Science we start to look at the phases of the moon. I know I have learned a lot teaching about the moon and the kids have been surprised how far the moon is away. Many people don't realize that 384,000 KM is a long way away, 238,606 miles.
In all, our kids continue to amaze me and I am excited about the coming years with them.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Nov 7

It is so amazing that we only have 10 more days until our first of 3 report cards. This is exciting news for some and concerning for others. Please remind your student to keep pushing to the end.
One exciting thing happening in 6th grade is that we are doing some partner work for our end of chapter exam grade. We have just learned about the 4 Mesopotamian Empires. The students have been split into groups and given a task on one of the 4 Empire. It is always interesting have kids work in group. Do you let them choose (that probably brings back nightmares of middle school gym class for some of us)?  Does the teacher choose (that always lead to someone saying, "you made me")? Or do you allow God to choose as you pick names out of a hat? That is hard because sometimes you don't like the groups that are created.  We did the draw the name out of the hat game. Most groups are put together well and some are not. But learning can happen with anyone in your group. Most jobs require working with others and most of the time you wont like everyone at your work. The students will need to have their projects done by Monday.
In science we will take a closer look at the Moon and the visible feature.
We continue to look at the Old Testament heroes. Right now Moses has just got the call to go to Pharaoh.
Please remember memory verses on Wednesday. This week it is Psalm 91:11.