Monday, November 7, 2016

Nov 7

It is so amazing that we only have 10 more days until our first of 3 report cards. This is exciting news for some and concerning for others. Please remind your student to keep pushing to the end.
One exciting thing happening in 6th grade is that we are doing some partner work for our end of chapter exam grade. We have just learned about the 4 Mesopotamian Empires. The students have been split into groups and given a task on one of the 4 Empire. It is always interesting have kids work in group. Do you let them choose (that probably brings back nightmares of middle school gym class for some of us)?  Does the teacher choose (that always lead to someone saying, "you made me")? Or do you allow God to choose as you pick names out of a hat? That is hard because sometimes you don't like the groups that are created.  We did the draw the name out of the hat game. Most groups are put together well and some are not. But learning can happen with anyone in your group. Most jobs require working with others and most of the time you wont like everyone at your work. The students will need to have their projects done by Monday.
In science we will take a closer look at the Moon and the visible feature.
We continue to look at the Old Testament heroes. Right now Moses has just got the call to go to Pharaoh.
Please remember memory verses on Wednesday. This week it is Psalm 91:11.

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