Tuesday, November 15, 2016

History Projects and the coming weeks

Our Students in the 6th grade are so creative. As they start to share their projects on the 4 Empires of Mesopotamia, I get to see all of the great work they have created. We were able to see 4 presentations yesterday and hope to have everyone share this week. After we finish our study on these 4 Empires we will next a look at Historical Egypt and the Middle East. This will fit in well with our Bible lessons as we are still looking at Moses. Today we had a chance to take a deeper look at the Passover. By the end of the week, Pharaoh will let the people go and we will be in the wilderness for a while.
In Science we start to look at the phases of the moon. I know I have learned a lot teaching about the moon and the kids have been surprised how far the moon is away. Many people don't realize that 384,000 KM is a long way away, 238,606 miles.
In all, our kids continue to amaze me and I am excited about the coming years with them.

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